Dear People! It is with infinite joy we inform you that a point has been reached in our creation process where we can embark on truly magical and collaborative projects. We have begun a wonderful new initiative that we believe is in full alignment with the calling of our hearts, the transformation of the planet, a more beautiful and livable vision, and a brilliant plan for our lives. WHO WE ARE During the last few years, we have grown into a heart-connected community of friends/brothers/sisters who all work with alternative healing modalities and have a common dream. Our vision is to create an alternative healing center that would not only host therapies but also a Goddess Temple, a venue for fantastic events and would serve as a meeting place for like-minded souls. In addition, we are also planning to purchase a piece of land nearby that in the long run could become an Island of Light, in alignment with the Divine Plan. We started working with advanced technology tools, translati...